Project Proposal: What is it & How to Write an Impressive One?
Proposing a project to upper management, sponsors, or other stakeholders can feel like a daunting task. We’re going to share some pointers that will help your case as you get…
Ever wished you could track Google Docs? Today’s your lucky day!
How to Track PDF Engagement Levels?
PDFs have always been the go-to file format to share personal and professional documents with your peers or business associates. PDFs is an amazing file format except for one thing-…
Usability Testing: Definition, Importance & How to do it?
Usability testing plays an important role in the success of any product or service. If you don’t know what usability testing is, today’s your lucky day! We will explore everything…
Knowledge Management: What is it & it’s importance!
Have you ever heard the term knowledge management? What do you think it means? There’s a lot of myths about knowledge management and its role in an organization. Today, we’re…
Meeting Agenda Template: Make Your Meetings More Productive
Meetings play a huge role in bringing the team together and make collective decisions. However, without a properly defined meeting agenda, meetings are bound to be unproductive. If you don’t…
Media Kit: What is it & How to Create it?
Today, we are going to dive into the importance of having an awesome media kit. We’ll show you how you can leverage it to gain exposure and partnerships. We also…
Executive Summary: What is it & How to Write One?
The executive summary is one of the most important parts of a business proposal. It provides a description and overview of what readers will read in the proposal. It’s the…
What is Markdown & How It Can Help You Write Faster?
Did you just Google “what is Markdown?” and land on this page. Well, we have a feeling you’re gonna love this. Markdown is a technique that will help you write…
Sales Enablement: Definition, Types and Functions!
In this blog post, we will dive deep into sales enablement and answer the three most important questions about it: What is Sales Enablement? Why does it really matter? What…
How to Get a Grip on Your Information Overload?
Information overload is the prime reason behind our lack of productivity at work. Let’s see how having too much information and data scattered all over the place can cause blunders…
Top 21 Sales Enablement Tools That Will Empower Your Team
Looking for the best sales enablement tools? Your search ends here with our carefully curated list of the top 21 sales enablement tools on the market. From cloud-based CRMs to nifty…
How to Add Rich Media Embeds in Documents?
Have you ever wished you could add a video to or other types of digital content to your documents? We have an awesome solution that is going to help you…
What are Smart Documents and How To Create Them!
We have smartphones, smart cars, smart PCs, smart homes, smart watches, smart refrigerators (I want to know the person who asked for those by the way), but what about smart… | Watch to Learn More
What is is an innovative AI-driven knowledge and Document Managment suite designed to empower knowledge workers by streamlining the creation of, documents, wikis, and notes. With an intuitive interface and seamless integration, acts as a versatile assistant to help you collaborate, generate, organize, and visualize your ideas effortlessly. Whether you are drafting a report, managing a project, collaborating with your team or clients, or brainstorming new concepts, brings intelligence and creativity to every aspect of your work process.