Here’s the thing about customers in the new age – they are more educated and aware than before. They already know everything they can about the products or services they want.

And what’s more? They outright ignore any form of aggressive advertising or marketing. This leaves businesses in a difficult position. So what can one do to ensure that they can sell their product to their customers without pushing for it?

Here is where a nuanced approach known as soft selling has emerged as a strategic and effective way to engage and persuade. It is subtle and thrives on relationship-building, empathy, and trust. It’s the breath of fresh air that everyone needs.

Want to learn more about soft-selling and how it works? Then dive right into this blog right now!


What is Soft Selling?

Soft selling is a gentle and subtle approach used in sales and communication to persuade people without putting pressure on them. Instead of using aggressive tactics or pushing products forcefully, soft selling aims to create a comfortable and trusting environment.

In soft selling, the focus is on building relationships and understanding the customer’s needs and preferences. Rather than bombarding the customer with facts and figures, the emphasis is on having conversations, listening actively, and addressing concerns. This approach aims to educate and inform, allowing customers to make informed decisions at their own pace.

Soft selling often involves storytelling, empathy, and a personalized approach. It’s about helping the customer see how a product or service could improve their lives, rather than insisting they buy it immediately. This method is particularly effective for complex or higher-priced items where customers may require more time to make a decision.


Soft Sell vs. Hard Sell: The Differences

1. Approach

  • Soft Sell: Soft selling is like a friendly conversation. It involves understanding the customer’s needs and preferences before presenting the product or service. The focus is on creating a comfortable atmosphere where the customer feels respected and valued.
  • Hard Sell: Hard selling is more like a persuasive speech. It employs strong language and tactics to convince the customer to buy immediately, often using urgency and scarcity as motivators.


2. Communication Style

  • Soft Sell: Soft selling emphasizes active listening and empathy. The salesperson engages in open dialogue, asking questions to understand the customer’s situation and tailoring their approach accordingly.
  • Hard Sell: Hard selling relies on a one-sided pitch where the salesperson does most of the talking. The goal is to convince the customer to buy through persuasion, sometimes interrupting or overwhelming the customer.


3. Customer Focus

  • Soft Sell: Soft selling is customer-centric. It aims to build a relationship based on trust and mutual understanding. The salesperson genuinely cares about solving the customer’s problems or fulfilling their needs.
  • Hard Sell: Hard selling may seem more focused on meeting sales targets. The salesperson’s primary focus is on closing the deal, potentially leading to a lack of genuine concern for the customer’s well-being.


4. Timeframe

  • Soft Sell: Soft selling is patient. It acknowledges that customers might need time to make decisions, especially for significant purchases. The emphasis is on providing information and allowing the customer to come to a decision at their own pace.
  • Hard Sell: Hard selling aims for immediate action. It often involves limited-time offers or discounts to create a sense of urgency and encourage the customer to buy right away.


5. Outcome

  • Soft Sell: Soft selling aims for a long-lasting relationship. Satisfied customers are more likely to return and refer others. This approach builds a positive brand image over time.
  • Hard Sell: Hard selling might lead to short-term gains, but it can also lead to negative feelings if customers feel pressured or deceived. It may not foster the same level of trust and loyalty as soft selling.

In short, soft selling values relationships, understanding, and trust, while hard selling focuses on persuasion, quick results, and immediate sales. The choice between these approaches depends on the product, the customer, and the desired long-term outcome.


What are the Soft Selling Techniques?

1. Do Your Research

Before you talk to someone about your product or service, it’s a good idea to find out more about them. What do they like? What are their problems or needs? Knowing these things helps you have a better conversation and offer solutions that actually make sense for them. Imagine if you were talking to a friend – you’d want to know what they’re interested in, right? It’s the same idea here.


2. Be Personable

Being personable means being friendly and approachable. When you talk to people, use a warm tone, smile, and be polite. Remembering their name and showing genuine interest in what they’re saying makes them feel comfortable and valued. Think of it like meeting someone new at a party – you’d want to make a good impression by being nice and showing that you care about what they have to say.


3. Establish a Relationship

Think of this like making a new friend. It’s not just about selling something; it’s about getting to know the other person. Ask about their interests, what they do for work and things that make them happy. Share a little about yourself too, so it’s a two-way conversation. This friendly approach helps create a bond, just like when you’re chatting with a friend.

When people feel like you care about them and you’re not just focused on selling, they start to trust you. Trust makes the conversation feel easy and comfortable like you’re talking to an old friend. This friendly connection makes them more open to hearing how your product or service can genuinely benefit them.


4. Actively Listen

Actively listening is like being fully present when the other person is speaking. It means focusing on what they’re saying without getting distracted. By asking questions and letting them express their needs and problems, you gain insights into their world. This understanding allows you to connect the dots between their situation and how your product or service can provide a solution.

It’s like solving a puzzle – the more pieces you have, the better you can see the whole picture. So, when you actively listen, you’re not just hearing words; you’re gathering valuable information that helps you offer something that truly fits their needs.


5. Ask Thoughtful Questions

Instead of just asking simple yes or no questions, ask ones that make them think and explain more. This helps you learn more about what they’re looking for.

For instance, if you’re helping someone choose a movie, instead of just asking if they like action films, you could ask about the type of stories they prefer and whether they enjoy thrilling adventures or something calmer. This way, you get a clearer picture of their preferences.

By asking these thoughtful questions, you uncover their deeper needs or desires, helping you recommend something that truly matches what they’re looking for. It’s like uncovering hidden treasures of information to better guide your conversation and suggestions.


6. Make Recommendations

Once you know what they need, you can suggest things that could work for them. You can recommend solutions that match their situation, kind of like suggesting the perfect tool for a job. Explain why these options are a good fit – how they can solve their problems or bring benefits. This helps them see how your suggestions would improve their life or make things simpler. Just like a guide showing the way, your recommendations lead them toward better choices, making them feel confident about deciding in their best interest.


7. Provide Value

Share useful information or tips, even if they’re not directly related to what you’re selling. This shows that you care about helping them, not just making a sale. When you provide these extra nuggets of wisdom, it’s like giving them a small present of valuable insights. This approach makes the conversation feel more like a helpful exchange rather than a strict sales pitch. They’ll appreciate your genuine concern and might be more open to considering your product or service because they see you as someone who truly wants to assist them.


8. Give Space to Decide

After you’ve talked about your suggestions, give them time to think. Nobody likes feeling rushed or pushed into making a decision. It’s like when you’re shopping – you want time to think if something is really what you want. Giving them space shows that you respect their choices and want them to be comfortable with whatever decision they make.


Soft Sell Examples

1. Personalized Recommendation

One example of soft-selling is the personalized recommendations you get from salespersons. For example, if you you go to a skincare store, and a friendly salesperson approaches you. Instead of immediately trying to sell you a particular product, they start by asking questions about your skin type, any concerns you have, and your current skincare routine. They listen attentively and gather information to understand your needs. Based on what you’ve shared, they recommend a specific skincare product. They explain how the product’s ingredients are tailored to address your concerns, making your skin look and feel better. This approach demonstrates their genuine interest in helping you achieve your skincare goals.


2. Educational Content Sharing

Another example of soft-selling is sharing educational content. Let’s say you’re researching fitness equipment online and you come across a website that offers a variety of exercise machines. Instead of bombarding you with product ads, they provide a blog post titled “Top 10 Home Workouts for Fitness Enthusiasts.” The post offers valuable insights into different exercises and their benefits, along with tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This content not only informs you but also positions the website as a knowledgeable source in the fitness field.


3. Free Workshop or Webinar

Offering workshops or seminars or webinars is another example of soft-selling. For example, you’re interested in improving your photography skills and you receive an invitation to a free online photography workshop. During the workshop, a skilled photographer shares useful techniques for capturing stunning photos. They provide practical examples, answer questions, and offer tips on composition and lighting. The workshop showcases their expertise and genuine desire to help you enhance your photography abilities. The main focus is on providing value and empowering you with knowledge.


4. Trial Period or Samples

Yet another example of soft-selling is giving out samples or trial period usage for products. For example, you’re considering a subscription to digital design software. Instead of pressuring you into purchasing right away, the company offers a 14-day free trial. This trial period allows you to explore the software’s features, create designs, and experience its benefits firsthand. During the trial, you receive helpful tips and tutorials to maximize your experience. By offering a risk-free trial, the company lets you make an informed decision without the pressure of an immediate purchase.


Wrap Up

Soft selling is a very powerful approach. It’s not just about products, it’s about people and their needs. It promotes and nurtures long-lasting partnerships, where customers become advocates.

We hope this blog has helped you learn everything you need to know about soft selling. Now go out there and establish a nourishing relationship with your customers. Thanks for reading! Adios!

Further Reads:

10 Effective Customer Success Strategies That Actually Work!

What is Social Selling & How To Get Started With It? (Best Practices)

What is Sales Experience & How to Describe it? (Tips & Examples)

Market Research 101: How To Conduct Research Like A Pro!

How To Write a Perfect Sales Proposal: The Do’s and Don’ts!

Market Demand: Definition, Types and Calculation!

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