In the world of marketing, we have plenty of brands for a variety of products. All of them differ in terms of quality and services. So what decides which of the brands does well? It is product branding.

Creating the right perception amongst your audience is extremely crucial when it comes to product branding. This means getting them to not only like your product for its quality, but also its “personality”.

If you are able to give a great product with the right branding and create the right perception about it in the eyes of your customers, your sales and numbers will take care of themselves.

Product branding is around us and sometimes seeing how it works is just what you’ll need for some inspiration. So in this blog, we have listed out some of the world’s most popular product branding examples.

Before we get to the main part, let’s try to understand what product branding is and why it is important. Let’s get started!


What is Product Branding? (Definition)

Product branding can be defined as developing a unique brand for a product, giving it an identity of its own to stand out amongst other competitive brands.

This can be done with the help of a combination of designs, logos, or messaging that gives products a distinct identity in the market and sets them apart from other products in the same category. For example, it can be the name of the product, its material, its visual design or logo, its colors, packaging, and more.


From a bar of soap to luxurious cars, each and every product has its own branding. And no matter what the product is, the basic idea of product branding remains the same – to give it an identity that is positively unique and charming to attract customers.

It is through product branding that you are able to build an army of loyal customers, who will always choose your product. Product branding helps to give a personality to your product that your audience can relate to and associate with. It appeals to the emotion of the customers and makes them choose you.

Many organizations have profited from product branding and have taken their sales to the next level. The concept of product branding is a long-term investment. When you give it enough focus, attention, and monetary investment, you will reap the benefits in the long term.

Should you invest in product branding? Heck, yeah! Why? Let’s find out!


Why Should You Invest In Product Branding? (Importance)

If you wish to sell more products, then yes, you should invest in product branding. After all, its main purpose is to set you apart from your competitors.

So why exactly is product branding so important? Take a look:

1. Customer Loyalty

Most customers do not have the time to research the quality and services of a product. They usually depend on word of mouth and the general reputation of a brand before making a purchase. But once you have won a customer from your product branding, they will be associated with you for a long time.

Gaining customer loyalty is the best thing that can happen for your brand and product. A loyal customer is a boon for you and your company because you will always have them improving your sales, no matter what.


2. Unique Identity

Establishing a unique identity is central to your brand’s image. It is the goal of any company to make its brand stand out amongst the rest, and be perceived as the best. When you are establishing a unique identity for your brand, you are making it an exclusive club or party that everyone wants to attend.

You will find new customers constantly associating themselves with your brand when it has an identity of its own. And this can only happen with the help of product branding. If you do it right, you will be able to carve out a niche for your product, which will give it value and improve your sales.


3. Stay One Step Ahead

When you create strong product branding for your product, you almost make it a necessity for your competition to invest and do the same to stay relevant in the market. It creates yet another hurdle for other brands to catch up to you, while you maintain a healthy lead.

Any new brands wanting to enter the market will have to invest in product branding if they dream of gaining customers. Thus, by ensuring that you make the necessary investment in product branding you are protecting yourself from other competition and remaining one step ahead.


Let us now look at some real examples of product branding and how they have helped brands stay relevant for a number of years.


8 Popular Examples of Product Branding!

1. Coca-Cola

The first brand that comes to mind whenever you think of the term product branding is Coca-Cola. It is remarkable how this brand of Coke has remained relevant for so many decades, in a market that has so many alternatives.

They have had a number of brand relaunches, but their basic idea for product branding remains the same. Their unique font style and logo have remained consistent across these decades and have always connected with the people. Their advertisements have connected with customers across the world as they have ensured that they relate to the culture of the specific country and make relevant ads. The style of the bottle has also remained the same and has connected with people across time.

2. Starbucks

When you think of coffee outside the home, you think of Starbucks. Such has been the branding of this product that it has almost been able to create a monopoly for itself across the world. It has adapted to the culture of every country and ensured people relate to it.

The green Starbucks logo put on a white cup is enough for people to recognize the brand. A simple and recognizable logo, good quality coffee, and an ordering system that is consistent across the world are all elements that have added to its strong product branding for Starbucks.


3. Zara

In the stiff competitive market of fashion retailers, Zara has been able to create a strong niche for itself, owing to its product branding. They have a simple logo and their product branding centers around the 4 pillars of precision, sustainability, clarity, and functionality.

Zara has been able to connect with a number of markets and customers across the world, only because of their product branding. People relate to this brand as the best in trendy modern designs and affordable clothes. They have been able to appeal to all age groups with their branding and have the sales numbers to show for it.

4. Uber

Uber created a niche for itself in ride-hailing services through its product branding. They focussed on offering their customers a lot more than other brands in the same market were giving. From customer feedback to word-of-mouth marketing and easy referrals, Uber has done its best to create a perception that it values its customers and the same has been reflected in its branding.

A simple logo and good customer support have also added value to their brand and ensured that the same has been relayed to the customer. Today when we think about hailing a cab, Uber is what pops into our heads, and is essentially the true magic of product branding.


5. Apple

Steve Jobs was a marketing genius. His tactics and ideas revolutionized the idea of product branding and are the core reason Apple is a giant brand today. From a beautiful visual design to smooth packaging, each and every product of Apple stands out. Every Apple customer believes that they hold the best product the world has to offer in their hands.

They know they are part of an exclusive club. This belief has only originated from the remarkable product branding of Apple. The company manufactures all of the parts required in its products on its own. The partly bitten Apple logo, on each of their products, is like a mark of originality and quality. Simplicity and sensory experience are at the core of their branding, and it shows.


6. Nike

The original name of the company was Blue Ribbon. It was renamed Nike as part of a branding revolution and the change was for everyone to see. From a shoe company, they expanded to cater to the market of sports and lifestyle. Nike was able to use Product branding for flexibility and specified targeting to acquire the right customers and also expand its base.

The success of this rebranding can be understood from the fact that Air Max, a product brand of Nike, has itself made such a huge mark on the Market. The cool and stylish Nike logo appeals to customers and its quality and design are well-known assets.


7. McDonald

Uniformity is the key element that has made McDonald’s a successful brand across the world. It has been able to provide the same experience, quality, and prices for all its customers. The simple yet attractive logo design of McDonald’s strikes you from afar and makes you take notice. It is stylish and easily imprinted on your brain. It is a result of the right combination of font, style, and color.

McDonald’s has taken special care to focus on the needs of the specific country and culture. It has adapted and provided the right meals, vegetarian for the right people and the meat of choice in some other countries. Thus, people are able to associate with this brand and trust it wholeheartedly.


8. Amazon

It is not through luck or chance that Amazon has become the giant multinational corporation that it is today. Over the years, they have slowly but surely created a brand image that is impossible to beat. By focusing on customer services and providing a number of benefits to their customers like free delivery, constant offers, etc., the brand has been able to acquire the trust and belief of its customers. They have also used affiliate marketing and SEO to build their brand name and make themselves relevant.

Many experts claim that it is the top brand in the world and has enough monetary profits to prove it. All of this has only been possible due to product branding.

Wrap Up

The marketing world has constantly evolved over centuries and the products that have been able to keep up with the new demands have stayed relevant.

The importance of product branding is something that has remained constant throughout these years. If you can brand your product well, half the battle is won.

Yes, it does cost money to do good product branding but the benefits are more than worth it. That’s all, folks


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Que: What are the 4 steps of product branding?

  1. Research: Understand the market, target audience, and competitors.
  2. Strategy: Define brand positioning, messaging, and unique value proposition.
  3. Design: Create brand elements such as logo, colors, and packaging.
  4. Implementation: Launch the brand and consistently apply branding across all touchpoints.


Que: What is a branded product?

A branded product is a good that is identified by a unique name, logo, or symbol, which distinguishes it from other products in the market. This branding helps in creating a perception in the consumer’s mind about the product’s qualities and benefits.


Que: What is an example of a product brand?

An example of a product brand is Apple’s iPhone. The iPhone brand is known for its sleek design, innovative technology, and high quality, making it distinguishable from other smartphones.


Que: What is the main purpose of branding a product?

The main purpose of branding a product is to create a distinct identity in the market that differentiates it from competitors, builds customer loyalty, and adds value by fostering trust and recognition among consumers.


Que: How does product branding affect consumer behavior?

Product branding affects consumer behavior by influencing their perceptions and emotional responses. Strong branding can create a sense of trust, loyalty, and attachment, leading to repeat purchases and brand advocacy.


Que: What elements are essential for successful product branding?

Essential elements for successful product branding include a unique and memorable logo, consistent color schemes, a compelling brand story, clear messaging, and a consistent voice across all marketing channels.


Que: How can a company measure the effectiveness of its product branding?

A company can measure the effectiveness of its product branding by tracking metrics such as brand recognition, customer loyalty, market share, sales performance, and customer feedback. Surveys and brand perception studies can also provide valuable insights.


Que: What role does social media play in product branding?

Social media plays a significant role in product branding by providing a platform for brands to engage with consumers, share content, build communities, and receive direct feedback. It enhances brand visibility and allows for real-time interaction with the audience.


Que: Can rebranding a product improve its market performance?

Yes, rebranding a product can improve its market performance if done strategically. It can revitalize a brand’s image, attract new customers, address changing market trends, and differentiate the product from competitors. However, it must be carefully planned to avoid alienating existing customers.


Further Reads: 

Brand Authenticity: Definition, Importance & Tips To Build It!

8 Different Types of Branding Strategies (With Examples)

Brand Voice: What is it & How to Define it for your Business!

Brand Style Guide: What is it & How to Create it?(Template Included)

Grow Your Business with these 12 Awesome Tips!

Emotional Branding Strategy Guide for Marketers!

21 Rock-Solid Ways to Improve Customer Focus in Your Business!

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